<<<  Lot's Wife

Director's Notes

Subject matter / concept

This is a story of Good and Evil.
A story of the distinctions between the two and where they meet. A story about the social, communal and interpersonal relativism that the dichotomy creates. It is a story of the meeting point of Good and Evil, where they coexist in harmony and codependency. The dissolving of the distinct roles of the pairings Good and Evil, weak and strong, liveliness and listlessness, reality and fantasy, is evidence, in my view, of the primacy of love and the human complexity (particular/private) within it.

Conjoined twins

This rare creation is a cinematic image (a doorway to a fairytale), which begs many important questions, such as, Who is the body's master? What does control of the body mean? As well as questions about identity, truth (truth by convention), the body's inherent humanity or lack thereof. Binding two beings into a shared body demands, first and foremost, a sort of truce, love and respect, to better survive the psychological presence of the two. The polarized personalities of the two persons reflects a truth about their own existence to the people around the twins, more than being an exemplar as such. I find this to be what is most fascinating about this phenomena.

The Story of Lot's Wife

The story aims to introduce a loaded undertone of female characters who dare go against the strict community in which they live. Clearly, the biblical story is the basis for a liberal, personal/artistic interpretation. The woman who - whether naively or with intention is beside the point - transgresses edicts / laws / dictums by an authority figure who presumes to represent the absolute Good (Good and Evil are relative and evasive, and so is the ability of Good to be whole and consistent).
In my reading, the biblical figure Lot's Wife dares to look back because she does not view Good or Evil as absolute. I find in her act an appeal to a deeper sense that combines weakness with strength, cruelty with compassion, love and hate, all existing side by side and affirming the fullness of human beings. This gives all creatures the opportunity to be unique and surprising (undermining and questioning any type of authority, the basis of all things, rules of any sort... and by that to affirm life over anything else).
"What is done out of love always takes place beyond good and evil" (Friedrich Nietzsche - Beyond Good and Evil Part IV - Aphorism #153)

Visual approach

The visual tools to reach this goal are toying with the seasons, heat and cold (use of colors denoting heat and cold), disguise and mystery, metaphors for unruly/cautious crossing of borders from dream state to reality, and vice versa.
The frame will remain kept, mostly static. The sound will be realistic and strictly such, to the point of hyper-realism.
Lot's Wife is inspired by films by Yasujiro Ozu, Robert Bresson (namely Mouchette and A Gentle Woman). The fragmented storytelling, veering away from full scenes, in the style of Maurice Pialat (Van Gogh, The Mouth Agape, A Nos Amours).